Tuesday, December 26, 2006

What This Blog's About

Hello everyone (or perhaps no one in particular)! This blog, if you could call it that, is merely a collection of all my level editings for a nine year old game called Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight. I have been editing the game as a hobby on and off since 2003, and have developed to the point where I actually have something to show for it. I have attempted a wide variety of levels and ideas, many of which remain unfinished, and some of which I am quite proud of. In the following posts I will be updating anyone who's interested on my past and current progress and sharing some of my ideas, inspiration, and background at the same time. I don't promise anything too elaborate, but for anyone who's ever been a fan of Star Wars, computer games, CG environments, or even architecture, it should be interesting, so stay tuned!

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